The Longest Line of Pizzas…In the World
The Battle at the Big Apple
Nope. You won’t need boxing gloves for this battle. But you’ll need to train by eating lots of pizza
The next big thing is coming soon! It’s The Battle at the Big Apple and it’s going to be beyond big!
Start practicing now if you think you can compete with the biggest eaters in the world (you know – that little guy with the funny-colored hair who eats all those hot dogs every July 4th!). We’ll give you a chance to test your mettle – or at least your stomach against the most famous eaters of all times.
And you’ll be doing it to help the Van Duzer Foundation raise funds for what is sure to be a long and difficult season ahead. The economy is making it hard for families in our area, so why not consider bringing your whole family out for a day of fun, free entertainment, great food at a great price, good friends and a good cause – all in one fun place right around the corner at Big Apple Pizza and Pasta in Fort Pierce. You’ll find us right across the street from the new IRSC.
Start practicing now and maybe you’ll be in the celebrity all-star lineup on Saturday, November 8th during The Battle at the Big Apple.
Van Duzer Foundation World’s Record Preparation
The Last Slice
The last slice of pizza at the Guinness World’s Record Longest Line 5-17-08
CNN Coverage of The Van Duzer Foundation’s Guinness World Record-Breaking Longest Line of Pizza.